What is The O-Shot? Everything Doctors & Nurses Need to Know

The O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, is a hot new procedure that is offered in a growing number of medical offices. Your patients may have heard whispers of it from friends or heard mention of it in magazines or on television. We’ve put together some fundamental information about the procedure so you can answer your patients’ questions and decide if offering The O-Shot makes sense for your practice.
First, and most importantly, what is The O-Shot?
The O-Shot is not a drug or medication. It is an in-office procedure where a doctor injects the patient’s own blood platelets into vaginal tissue. Dr. Charles Runels created this trademarked treatment with the theory that injecting platelets will activate stem cells to the injected area and generate more functional tissue in the areas of sexual response.
Preparing The O-Shot involves drawing blood and isolating the platelet-rich-plasma (“PRP”) using a centrifuge. Then, you would inject the PRP into the vaginal tissue. Although injecting into this area might seem to be painful, a numbing agent is used to reduce the pain, and most patients find that there is minimal discomfort.
This nonsurgical procedure releases many growth factors that activate localized stem cells. For many patients, the injection rejuvenates vaginal and clitoral function to increase sensitivity and sex drive. It can also alleviate some symptoms of bladder leakage.
The O-Shot is made up 100% of a patient’s blood. No synthetic components are utilized and your patients need no other medications to achieve results. Practitioners who are already offering the procedure have reported happy patients and extremely positive results.
Who is a Good Candidate for The O-Shot?
Since it is a non-surgical procedure using only PRP from the patient’s own blood, nearly any female patient experiencing some level of sexual dysfunction may benefit from The O-Shot. In addition to improving a patient’s ability to achieve orgasm, it may also help with bladder leakage. Since these issues often co-exist, it can usually provide a win-win result for certain patients.
Sylvia Silvestri preparing to inject PRP for The O-Shot.
How Does the In-Office O-Shot Treatment Work?
First, a consultation with the patient will help the practitioner understand what results are desired while helping the patient decide if The O-Shot is a good solution.
Next, a small amount of blood will be drawn from the patient’s arm; this is no more difficult than collecting blood for any standard medical test. The blood is put in a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a device that separates different parts of the blood, allowing the practitioner to collect the platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
A numbing agent is used on a specific area of the vagina, near the clitoris. The growth factors from the blood are injected into the treatment area. The entire procedure should take less than an hour and cause only minimal discomfort.
Whether The O-Shot is being used to treat incontinence or to improve sexual function, the PRP injection activates stem cells that “tricks” the body into tissue regeneration. At this point, a patient will begin growing new tissues, and blood flow will increase to the area which heightens sensitivity and sexual pleasure. In those who experience stress incontinence, the increase of tissue can help reduce these effects.
Since the procedure uses only the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of allergic reaction, and there is minimal bruising compared to other types of injections.
Because The O-Shot is considered a medical treatment, practitioners should conduct a thorough consultation with all patients and complete a brief exam before treatment. Only doctors and other certain licensed practitioners can draw blood and make injections. Check with the state medical board to make sure you are following all rules for your state.
Does The O-Shot Work?
The question that many potential patients have is “Does The O-Shot work?” The answer is a resounding YES. The O-Shot has been proved time and time again to increase sensitivity, add to the patient’s sexual enjoyment and restore confidence. For patients that experience urinary incontinence, the results vary, but there is usually some increase in the patient’s ability to “hold it” during stressful moments.
How Effective is The O-Shot?
Like many treatments for sexual dysfunction, the results will vary from patient to patient. However, those who have undergone the orgasm shot injection treatment report back with resoundingly positive updates and would consider the procedure again the future.
How Long Does The O-Shot Last?
For most patients, the results of the O-shot will last between six months and two years. For the best results, a patient will usually want to make an appointment for a follow-up injection in six months to a year after the initial treatment.
How Much Does The O-Shot Cost?
Most doctors who offer the O-shot charge between $1200 and $1500 for the entire procedure. This cost may vary from one location to another.
What Are Common Side Effects of The O-Shot?
The process is overall positive for most patients. There may be slight redness or swelling around the injection site for a day or two. More noticeable side effects are uncommon.
Other side effects experienced on occasion may include:
- Itching
- Discoloration
- Irritation
- Bruising
Most patients will be able to follow normal day-to-day activities after The O-Shot. However, strenuous exercise, carrying heavy objects and intense sexual activity should be put off for a day or two. Gentle cleaning products should be used to cleanse the injection area for the first few days after the shot.
Is The O-Shot Safe?
The O-Shot is very safe. Since the injection consists of only the patient’s own blood, and only sterile equipment is used, there is little risk. Because you will use a numbing agent on the treatment area, patients should feel only minimal discomfort. Patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking a blood thinner or who have uncontrolled medical issues may need to avoid this procedure. A standard pre-procedure consultation will help the doctor determine whether a patient will be a good candidate.
How Much Downtime Will Patients Experience After The O-Shot?
While there is nearly no true downtime after The O-Shot, patients may want to take things easy (in the affected area especially) for a couple of days to ensure ease of healing. Most patients are able to return to work and most leisure activities almost immediately.
What Results Can Your Patients Expect With The O-Shot?
The results that patients report from The O-Shot are resoundingly positive. The benefits include:
- Increased libido (sexual desire)
- Improved blood circulation in the vaginal area
- Improved sexual sensitivity
- Tightened vaginal opening
- Increased lubrication
- More frequent and intense orgasms
- Reduced stress-based incontinence
Is The O-Shot Covered by Insurance?
The O-Shot is not covered by insurance as it is considered an elective procedure. For many patients, the cost is inconsequential when compared to the results that can be expected.
How to Become an O-Shot Provider
If you’d like more information about how you can begin offering The O-Shot in your practice, visit our procedure page to read about our O-Shot training and certification for doctors and nurses. We offer both semi-private training in our office or private training sessions in your facility. Beverly Hills RN founder, Sylvia Silvestri, has worked directly with the inventor of The O-Shot, making her the best resource for O-Shot training. Contact Sylvia or visit our workshops page to learn more about this opportunity today.