Microneedling with PRP vs. without PRP
While microneedling and PRP are both popular treatment options for patients and work well on their own, there is amazing room for improvement when combining them together in a single treatment session for patients. At Beverly Hills RN, we understand that patients want treatments with noticeable and dramatic results, and combining these two services can provide just that!
Microneedling alone can provide results for patients looking to improve the texture and tone of the skin and address imperfections such as acne scarring or large pore size. However, the integration of PRP can boost the final results, achieving the development of new skin cells and enhancing what microneedling alone can provide.
The combination of microneedling and PRP offers a proper foundation for beautiful and healthy skin and can be performed regularly to maintain a youthful look and improve the skin’s health.
These treatments improve the absorption of creams and serums while enhancing the skin’s texture, smoothing away fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars in just a few treatment sessions. Patients find that by integrating PRP into their microneedling procedure, they see results deeper into the skin thanks to the microchannels created with microneedling, allowing for even distribution and better absorption of PRP and other topical products for faster, longer-lasting results.
Microneedling with PRP is a fantastic, effective treatment that can dramatically boost the skin’s improvement in a way that cannot be achieved with microneedling alone. We encourage you and your team to consider training and education in both microneedling and PRP to provide your patients with the choices they desire—as well as reliable and noticeable improvements in the skin’s texture, tone, appearance, and health.