
Brazilian Butt Lift

It seems as if every magazine, tabloid, and exercise magazine are talking about peoples bottoms… how they got them, are they natural, who has the best one, and what you can do to have one. It started with Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and then Kim Kardashian....

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Facial Fat Transfer

Fat Grafting has become a very popular and talked about procedure. It is constantly a topic of discussion at my work, in magazines, and at plastic surgery conferences that the surgeons attend. It is called a new “trendy” procedure, but this is one that has really...

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Facial Lasers

Facial Lasers I love that we have so many different options when it comes to cosmetic beauty treatments for rejuvenating and reviving our skin from the damage caused by everyday sun damage, stress and the general aging process. This article is going to focus on some of...

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What is a Plastic Surgeon?

How do You Choose your Plastic Surgeon? For years now, friends and acquaintances ask me which plastic surgeon they should go to for their surgical procedure. The answer to that depends on a number of things before I refer them out. Here is an easy breakdown of...

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Breast Augmentation in 2012

Breast Augmentation is one of the most talked about and popular cosmetic surgery procedures done worldwide. It is one procedure that women talk about openly and honestly and love to show off. Women from all age groups from young to old are getting their breasts...

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