Botox Training

Online Injection Training During the Pandemic

ONLINE INJECTION TRAINING COURSES In the time of this Coronavirus outbreak pandemic, we all must stay home and practice social distancing. Hopefully, the situation is temporary and we will all be able to return to normal in a few months. This is the perfect time to...

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The Top Aesthetic Trends in 2016

2016 has almost drawn to a close! Let's review some of the most popular aesthetic cosmetic procedures requested for this year! Patients are still looking for the quickest, fastest, no down time solutions to help with excess fat, wrinkles and cosmetic needs. Fat Reduction Procedures As an...

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Why I Hate Review Sites

Having worked in Beverly Hills for many years with some of the best Plastic Surgeons in the world, I have been able to get to know them, and also hear about things that go on in their practice.   In several practices, the topic of review sites...

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